Emergency Text Message Alerts Approved by Regulators

This isn’t a new idea (for example, China used text messages to warn citizens about Typhoon Kaemi in 2006), nor is the wrangling around it in the U.S. new, but on Wednesday an “emergency alert via SMS” plan finally received approval by regulators.

The discussion so far was prompted by the Warning Alert and Response Network Act, a 2006 federal law which requires upgrades to the emergency alert system.

Participation by carriers will be voluntary (I would expect them all to provide the service), as will participation by consumers, who will be able to opt-out.

The types of messages provided fall into three categories:

National Alert: from the President, probably involving a terrorist attack or natural disaster.

Imminent Threats: natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes or events such as university shootings.

Amber Alerts

According to reports, the alerts would arrive with a unique “audio signature.”

Nice to see us finally catch up with China!


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